Ultracold Dynamics far from Equilibrium
Lecture in the frame of the XXI. Heidelberg Graduate Courses 2008
Thomas Gasenzer
Monday, 29 Sep - Thursday, 2 Oct; 09:30-12:30, A-Ueberle Str. 3-5, SR 1
Lecture 1:
Ultracold gases & their dynamics, mean-field theory
Lecture 2:
Functional approach, 2PI effective action, thermalisation
Lecture 3:
Kinetic theory, classical path integral
Lecture 4:
Functional RG approach. Exactly solvable models.
Quantum Mechanics (Theoretical Physics III), Statistical Mechanics (Theor. Phys. IV) would be helpful. Quantum field theory would be advantageous, but is not required.
T. Gasenzer, "Ultracold gases far from equilibrium", Download
K. Huang, "Statistical Mechanics", Wiley (1987).
C.J. Pethick and H. Smith, "Bose-Einstein condensation in Dilute Gases, CUP, Cambridge (2002).
A. Leggett, "Bose-Einstein condensation in the alkali gases: Some fundamental concepts", Review of Modern Physics 73, 307 (2001)
(Full text as pdf available through UB proxy server).
L.P. Pitaevskii and S. Stringari, "Bose-Einstein condensation", Clarendon Press, Oxford (2003).
F. Dalfovo, S. Giorgini, L. P. Pitaevskii, and S. Stringari, "Theory of Bose-Einstein condensation in trapped gases", Review of Modern Physics 71, 463 (1999).
(Full text as pdf available through UB proxy server).