Ultracool Gases far from Equilibrium
Thomas Gasenzer
Lecture 1:
Ultracold gases & their dynamics, mean-field theory
14/15 Nov in Halle
Lecture 2:
Functional approach, 2PI effective action, thermalisation, kinetic theory.
12/13 Dec in Jena (Schedule,
Lecture 3:
Classical path integral, Functional RG approach, Exactly solvable models.
23/24 Jan in Leipzig (Schedule)
T. Gasenzer, "Ultracold gases far from equilibrium", arXiv:0812.0004 [cond-mat.other]
C.J. Pethick and H. Smith, "Bose-Einstein condensation in Dilute Gases, CUP, Cambridge (2002).
A. Leggett, "Bose-Einstein condensation in the alkali gases: Some fundamental concepts", Review of Modern Physics 73, 307 (2001)
(Full text as pdf available through UB proxy server).
L.P. Pitaevskii and S. Stringari, "Bose-Einstein condensation", Clarendon Press, Oxford (2003).
F. Dalfovo, S. Giorgini, L. P. Pitaevskii, and S. Stringari, "Theory of Bose-Einstein condensation in trapped gases", Review of Modern Physics 71, 463 (1999).
(Full text as pdf available through UB proxy server).
K. Huang, "Statistical Mechanics", Wiley (1987).