URL zum ICS-Kalender dieses Seminars
Kirchhoff-Institut für Physik, Otto-Haxel-Hörsaal
freitags 17:15
23.6.2023 17:00
KIP, INF 227, Hörsaal 1
When particles are part of a many-body system, they can change their properties due
to their interaction with the surrounding medium. The particles become dressed by
excitations of the medium and new collective states of matter are formed. In this state
of matter, the particles turn into quasiparticles, sometimes called polarons, that can
share much similarity with the original particles. In this colloquium, I will review the
remarkable progress achieved over the last decade in the research of quasiparticles,
in particular so-called polarons, and I will show how universality can be leveraged to
connect the fields of material science, ultracold atoms and quantum chemistry. After
introducing the idea of polaron formation, I will discuss a striking connection between
the physics of cold atoms and novel atomically thin semiconductors. In these ultraflat
materials electrons interacting with excitons feature a remarkable similarity with cold
atomic Bose-Fermi mixtures as realized experimentally here in Heidelberg. This
unique connection opens up exciting perspectives for the applied quantum simulation
of two-dimensional materials using the quantum optical tools available in cold atoms.
I will discuss recent results on the quantum simulation of emergent optical attractive
and repulsive polaron resonances in cold atoms and their subsequent first observation
in atomically thin materials. Finally, I will explain how these new observations lay the
foundation to explore exciting applications of polaron physics to quantum sensing in
material science or the realization of novel forms of light-induced superconductivity.