
The following licenses are available in the ASIC laboratory.
We have two licenses server: phobos and freki. Have a look on the table below to find your license host.

Software port@host Check
Altera (MaxPlus) 1800@phobos
Altera/INTEL 1800@freki
AWR 2707@freki
Bluespec 2016@freki
Cadence 5280@freki
Cliosoft 1911@freki
MatLab 1711@phobos
Mentor/Modelsim 1710@freki
Sonnet 7852@freki
Synopsys 1700@freki
Xilinx 2100@phobos

For the next turn of the year:
Rutherford will send licenses for Cadence and Mentor automatically.
For Synopsys use Solvent account.
MatLab will never expire.
ModelSim is now also a part of Mentor (Feb.2002)