First prize at the 2019 International Collegiate Competition for Brain-inspired Computing (ICCBC 2019)

Our team consisting of (rightmost image, from left to right) Akos F. Kungl, Luziwei Leng and Dominik Dold received the first prize at the 2019 International Collegiate Competition for Brain-inspired Computing (ICCBC 2019). Our project submission titled "Why spikes? Exploring spike-based Bayesian inference for accelerated neuronal substrates" raised the question of computational benefits in spike-based computing, which we answered by presenting a summary of studies highlighting theoretical, practical and neuromorphic applications of spike-based inference.

The competition consisted of two rounds: (i) a preliminary round, where a technical document describing our work was submitted, and (ii) the finals, where 16 teams out of more than 200 submissions in the preliminaries were invited to Tsinghua University in Beijing. The finals lasted for two days, during which we had the chance to present our work in a talk followed by extended Q&A, as well as during a poster session (see posters above).

The competition was an exciting experience for our team and we would like to thank the organizers of the ICCBC 2019 as well as Tsinghua University for their hospitality!

Last update of this page: 2019-10-28 by Dominik Dold & Mihai A. Petrovici