General reading: Review from Tremel et al., (Solid State Chemistry) on Metal-Insulator transitions (Mott-Hubbard, CDW, Nesting, correlations,...) (German)
Independent electrons
Excitations of the Fermi ground state
Fermi liquid
Tight binding
Tutorial I: Measuring Fermi surfaces of Ni
General idea of the Mott transition
Bandwidth controleld Mott transition
The example of V2O3
Photoemmission Spectroscopy and inverse PES
Link: Review Photoemission Spectroscopy Reinert 2005
Cluster appoach
Configuration interaction model
Tutorial II: PES on Ni
The example of NiO
Hubbard model
One-band Hubbard model
Which electrons are we talking about?
Hubbard subbands
The example of RNiO3
Mott-Hubbard vs. charge transfer insulators
Bandwidt-controlled metal-insulator transition
Zaanen-Sawatzki-Allen Schema
Link: Zaanen-Sawatzki-Allen, PRL 1985
Link: Experimental Zaanen-Sawatki-Allen schema: Boquet1996
Negative CT gap
Advanced further reading: M. Imada, A. Fujimori, Y. Tokura: Metal-Insulator transitions, Rev. Mod. Phys. 70, 1039–1263 (1998)
Localized magnetic moments in metals
Kondo effect
Link: Jun Kondo's homepage
Kondo resonance
Heavy fermion systems
Kondo vs. RKKY
Doniach diagram
Mixed valence systems
Kondo insulators
Advanced reading: P. Coleman, Review 2007