Solid State Magnetism and Electronic Correlations

Link to online registration: Here

ORAL EXAMINATIONS: 27.07.2018. Schedule (pdf)



  • To get insight into fundamentals of magnetism and electron correlations in solids.
  • To learn about principles of advanced experimental methods and their interpretation.
  • To understand the basic concepts of electron correlation in solids and its implications.
  • To apply this knowledge to understand and to assess modern research trends in condensed matter physics.


Lecturer: Prof. Rüdiger Klingeler

Location: Kirchhoff-Institute for Physics INF 227,  SR 2.404 / 3.402

Time: Mon, 14:15 - 15:45 h and Thur, 16:00 - 17:30 h

SWS: 6; Credit Points: 8

Tutorials: Weekly on Wednesday, 14:15 - 15:45 h (KIP, SR 2.404)

Tutor: Dr. Changhyun Koo

Check the lecture and tutorial date and location!




  • Magnetism and electronic properties of atoms and ions
  • Electronic properties of solids, crystal field theory
  • Magnetism in metals, micro- and nanomagnetism
  • Hubbard model, Mott insulators
  • Magnetism in insulators, magnetic interactions
  • Collective phenomena: spin ordering and phase transitions
  • Magnetoresistive Effects: Spintronics
  • Quantum Magnetism
  • Magnetism and its relevance for high-temperature superconductivity