Mott-Hubbard insulators

Aim: Understanding how the band structure in NiO evolves and how it is experimentelly determined.

Manuscript to be discussed: Photoemission study on NiO: Sawatzky1994

Guiding questions:

  • How does the XPS and the BIS experiments work? Sketch the basic idea.
  • Which information is in general gained by each of the two experiments?
  • Explain Fig. 1 of Sawatzky's paper.
  • Can you explain the bar diagram at the top of Fig.2? 
  • Which are the main ingredients of the Cluster approach?
  • For which aspects of Mott-Hubbard physics the Cluster approach is good and which are not covered well?
  • What is meant when Swatzky speaks about a "d10L-peak"?
  • What is meant on page 3  left column line 7 by "Ni 3d emission"?
  • What do the authors means by "exciton" and "excitonic nature" of excitations?
  • Why it is claimed that NiO is rather a charge-transfer than a Mott-insulator? How large is the correlation gap (and what may it be)?

All this leads to the summarizing question: Why is NiO not metallic? What is the difference between Ni and NiO? (you may remind yoursefl to the case of Ni PES specrtroscopy here)


Helpful textbooks:

  • D.I. Khomskii: Basic Aspects of the Quantum Theory of Solids: Order and Elementary Excitations: Chapter 12!
  • D.I. Khomskii: Transition metal compounds (online via heidi): Basics on charge-transfer vs. Mott-Hubbard insulators in chapter 5.
  • P. Fazekas: Lecture notes on electron correlation and magnetism.