Spin frustration

Aims: Getting an idea that unexopected phenomena can happen in frustrated systems and how nature lifts frustration.



Frustration-induced nanometre-scale inhomogeneity in a triangular antiferromagnet (Zorko et al)


Guiding questions:

  • Which is the experimental evidence that a-NaMnO2 is magnetically frustrated? (You may have to consider at least one of the references mentioned in the introduction part of the paper.)
  • What is the proposed minimal magnetic model?
  • What is solid state NMR and what can we learn? Why the author call label their data "23Na"?
  • Why NMR provides information on electronic magnetism?
  • What do we learn from the quantity 1/T1?
  • What is μSR spectroscopy and why does it provide information on the local magnetic field (-> local magnetic order)?

Helpful textbooks and introcutory papers:

  • Khomskii's book. (for magnetism)
  • solid state NMR intro: Diss Rudisch, p. 14-23 (link) (or a textbook on magnetic methdos)
  • mSR intro (link): https://arxiv.org/abs/cond-mat/0207699
  • mSR intro: Dissertation Sharmadini, p. 27 - 31 (link)