Introduction (slides)
Formal and organisational stuff
What to expect from the lecture (general motivation)
"Order vs. disorder in a quantum world"
I Landau theory of Fermi liquids (slides)
Fermi gas theory
Wilson ratio
Quasipartcles excitations
Fermi liquid concept
non-Fermi liquid: Basic concept
Example: High-Tc SC
Example: Quantum critical point
II Electron systems and the lattice (slides)
III Mott-Hubbard transition (slides)
Advanced reading: M. Imada, A. Fujimori, Y. Tokura: Metal-Insulator transitions, Rev. Mod. Phys. 70, 1039–1263 (1998)
Advanced reading: Tremel et al, Metall oder Nichtmetall? (in German) 1st sentence: "Festkörperphysik ist viel zu spannend, um sie allein den Physikern zu überlassen.")
What are electronic correlations?
Mott transition: general idea
Phase diagram of V2O3 under pressure
One-band Hubbard model
Which electrons are we talking about?
Hubbard subbands
Bandwidth-controlled metal-insulator transition
The example of RNiO3
Magnetism in the Hubbard model
PES on Ni, NiO; Cluster approach
How does a synchrostron work (BESSY II Video)
Mott-Hubbard vs. charge transfer insulators
Charge motion vs. AFM order; stripe formation
Spin-charge separation
IV Kondo effect, Heavy fermion systems (slides)
V Low-dimensional and frustrated materials: spin ice, spin liquid & more (slides)