Spin frustration
Aims: Getting an idea that unexopected phenomena can happen in frustrated systems and how nature lifts frustration.
Frustration-induced nanometre-scale inhomogeneity in a triangular antiferromagnet (Zorko et al)
Guiding questions:
Which is the experimental evidence that a-NaMnO2 is magnetically frustrated? (You may have to consider at least one of the references mentioned in the introduction part of the paper.)
What is the proposed minimal magnetic model?
What is solid state NMR and what can we learn? Why the author call label their data "23Na"?
Why NMR provides information on electronic magnetism?
What do we learn from the quantity 1/T1?
What is μSR spectroscopy and why does it provide information on the local magnetic field (-> local magnetic order)?
Helpful textbooks and introcutory papers:
Khomskii's book. (for magnetism)
solid state NMR intro: Diss Rudisch, p. 14-23 (link) (or a textbook on magnetic methdos)
mSR intro (link): https://arxiv.org/abs/cond-mat/0207699
mSR intro: Dissertation Sharmadini, p. 27 - 31 (link)