Extended ToC
Introduction (slides)
Formal and organisational stuff
What to expect from the lecture
"Order vs. disorder in a quantum world"
I Atoms in crystalline environment (slides)
II Molecular magnets: Warm-up with 0D quantum magnets (slides)
General: Link: MolMag web - a link to molecular magnetism
Comprehensive Literature: Book Molecular Nanomagnetism by Gatteschi, Sessoli, Villain (link via HEIDI unfortunately expired)
Textbook: Lanthanide Molecular Magnets (Springer via HEIDI)
Online resouces: Tutorial on Molecular Magnetis on the MolMagWeb
Review by Nicholas F. Chilton, Molecular Magnetism Annual Review of Materials Research, Vol. 52:79-101 (with a focus on q-bits)
Review by Eugenio Coronado, Molecular magnetism: from chemical design to spin control in molecules, materials and devices, Nature Reviews Materials volume 5, pages 87–104 (2020) (a more chemistry perspective)
Review by Stephen J. Blundell, Molecular magnets, Contemporary Physics 48 (2007) 275-290
Lecture content:
What is a molecular magnet?
Spin Hamiltonian, uniaxial and in-plane anisotropy
Slow relaxation
Quantum Tunnelling of the Magnetization
Avouided level crossing, Landau Zener Tunnerling
Ni2, Mn12, Fe8, Mn4, Mn2Ni3
micro-Hall and micro-SQUID magnetometry
ESR on molecular magnets
Spin crossover materials
Molecular Q-Bits, spin coherence, dephasing
Switching magnets: LIESST effect
III Mott-Hubbard physics: Introducing electronic correlation (slides)
Lecture content:
Reminder: uncorrelated electron systems
What are electronic correlations?
Mott transition: general idea
Phase diagram of V2O3 under pressure
One-band Hubbard model
Which electrons are we talking about?
Hubbard subbands
Bandwidth-controlled metal-insulator transition
The example of RNiO3
Magnetism in the Hubbard model
PES on Ni, NiO; Cluster approach
How does a synchrostron work?
Mott-Hubbard vs. charge transfer insulators
Charge motion vs. AFM order; stripe formation
Spin-charge separation
IV 1D and 2D quantum magnets (slides)
V Magnetism in metals and magnetoresistive effects (slides)
Pauli susceptibility and T-corrections
Band magnetism, Stoner model
Stoner enhancement of the susceptibility
Link: Biography E.C. Stoner/U Leeds
Circular magnetic x-ray dichroism XMCD
XMCD introduction: MPG
Localized magnetic moments in metals
Kondo effect
Kondo screening vs RKKY
RKKY interaction
Friedel oscillations
VI Magnetoresistive effects (slides)
VII. Micro- and Nanomagnets (slides)
IV Kondo effect, Heavy fermion systems (slides)