
Jahr 2004
Autor(en) Gerhard Fahsold, Andreas Priebe, Annemarie Pucci, and Andreas Otto
Titel Metal nanofilms studied with infrared spectroscopy
KIP-Nummer HD-KIP 04-76
KIP-Gruppe(n) F6
Dokumentart Buch
  author   = {Fahsold, G. and Priebe, A. and Pucci, A. and Otto, A.},
  title    = {Metal nanofilms studied with infrared spectroscopy.},
  pages    = {159-166},
  publisher = {World Scientific Publishing Company},
  year     = {2004},
  editor   = {Cricenti, A.},
  chapter  = {Metal nanofilms studied with infrared spectroscopy},
  volume   = {}
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