
Jahr 2007
Autor(en) Daniel Bruederle, Andreas Gruebl, Karlheinz Meier, Eilif Mueller, and Johannes Schemmel
Titel A Software Framework for Tuning the Dynamics of Neuromorphic Silicon Towards Biology
KIP-Nummer HD-KIP 07-07
KIP-Gruppe(n) F9
Dokumentart Paper
Keywords (angezeigt) Neuromorphic, Biology, Hardware, Software, Neuronal
Quelle In Proc. of IWANN 2007, San Sebastián, Spain, June 2007, Springer LNCS 4507, pp. 479 - 486
Abstract (en) This paper presents conguration methods for an existing neuromorphic hardware and shows first experimental results. The utilized mixed-signal VLSI device implements a highly accelerated network of integrate-and-fire neurons. We present a software framework, which provides the possibility to interface the hardware and explore it from the point of view of neuroscience. It allows to directly compare both spike times and membrane potentials which are emulated by the hardware or are computed by the software simulator NEST, respectively, from within a single software scope. Membrane potential and spike timing dependent plasticity measurements are shown which illustrate the capabilities of the software framework and document the functionality of the chip.
Datei paper
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