Jahr | 2007 |
Autor(en) | Sönke Schäfer |
Titel | Development of a Fully Microfabricated Two Pixel Magnetic Calorimeter |
KIP-Nummer | HD-KIP 07-30 |
KIP-Gruppe(n) | F4 |
Dokumentart | Diplomarbeit |
Keywords (angezeigt) | Magnetic Calorimeters, Calorimeter, Detector, EBIT, HCI, Low Temperature, Microfabrication |
Quelle | Diplomarbeit 2007 |
Abstract (de) | Im Rahmen dieser Diplomarbeit wurde die Möglichkeit der Mikrostrukturierung von einzelnen metallischen magnetischen Kalorimetern und von Detektor-Arrays untersucht. Die Detektoren besitzen einen Absorber für Röntgenquanten und einen paramagnetischen Temperatursensor, der sich in einem schwachen Magnetfeld befindet. Bei Betriebstemperaturen unter 100mK führt bereits ein kleiner Energieeintrag in den Detektor zu einer messbaren Temperaturerhöhung des Sensors. Die damit einhergehende Magnetisierungsänderung des Sensors wird mit Hilfe eines rauscharmen SQUID-Magnetometers nachgewiesen und dient als präzises Maß für die eingetragene Energie. Bei der Entwicklung des Detektors wurden insbesondere die Anforderungen berücksichtigt, die beim Einsatz in geplanten spektroskopischen |
Abstract (en) | In the framework of this thesis the feasibility to microfabricate single metallic magnetic calorimeter detectors and detector arrays has been studied. These detectors consist of an absorber for x-rays and a paramagnetic temperature sensor placed in a weak magnetic field. At working temperatures below 100mK any energy deposition in the detector produces a temperature rise which changes the magnetization of the sensor material. By a read out scheme with sensitive low noise SQUID magnetometers, the absorption of single x-ray quanta can be detected and their energy can be measured precisely. The requirements of an application for high precision spectroscopy in the soft x-ray range on highly charged ions at the Heidelberg EBIT of the MPI for Nuclear Physics was taken into account for the consideration of a suitable detector design. Therefore, the steps of a microfabrication process were developed and optimized. This process allows for a fabrication of calorimeter arrays with mushroom shaped detectors increasing the sensible area by overhanging absorbers. On a single chip, two detectors were fabricated and read out by two separate circuits. Both detectors were characterized and the thermal crosstalk was analysed. In addition to measurements in the flux-locked-loop mode, magnetization measurements and spectra were obtained in open-loop mode. In this mode of operation electro-thermal-feedback effects were observed which result in changing the decay times of the pulses. In particular, in this mode faster pulses can be achieved which allows higher count rates. |
Datei | Diplomarbeit |