KIP publications

year 2010
author(s) H. V. Chung, C. J. Kubber, G. Han, S. Rigamonti, D. Sanchez-Portal, D. Enders, A. Pucci, and T. Nagao
title Optical detection of plasmonic and interband excitations in 1-nm-wide indium atomic wires
KIP-Nummer HD-KIP 10-17
KIP-Gruppe(n) F6
document type Paper
source Applied Physics Letters 96 (2010) 243101
doi 10.1063/1.3451461
Abstract (en)

Infrared spectroscopy is demonstrated to sensitively detect electronic excitations in 1-nm-wide wires made of indium. The polarization-dependent spectra measured at room temperature show a strong broadband plasmonic absorption feature in the direction parallel to the wires, while in the perpendicular direction the wires stay nearly transparent in the same spectral range. At 88 K the wires do not show this broadband absorption anymore, but instead, several interband-transition features arise for both polarizations, in agreement to the gap opening of the metal-to-insulator transition as known for this one-dimensional structure.

  author   = {H. V. Chung and C. J. Kubber and G. Han and S. Rigamonti and D. Sanchez-Portal and D. Enders and A. Pucci and T. Nagao},
  title    = {Optical detection of plasmonic and interband excitations in 1-nm-wide indium atomic wires},
  journal  = {Applied Physics Letters},
  year     = {2010},
  volume   = {96},
  number   = {24},
  pages    = {243101},
  doi      = {10.1063/1.3451461},
  url      = {}
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