
Jahr 2010
Autor(en) Manfred Bohn, Philipp Diesinger, Rainer Kaufmann, Yanina Weiland, Patrick Müller, Manuel Gunkel, Alexa von Ketteler, Paul Lemmer, Michael Hausmann, Dieter W. Heermann, and Christoph Cremer
Titel Localization Microscopy Reveals Expression-Dependent Parameters of Chromatin Nanostructure
KIP-Nummer HD-KIP 10-48
KIP-Gruppe(n) F2
Dokumentart Paper
Quelle Biophysical Journal
Abstract (en)

A combined approach of 2D high-resolution localization light microscopy and statistical methods is presented
to infer structural features and density fluctuations at the nuclear nanoscale. Hallmarks of nuclear nanostructure are found
on the scale below 100 nm for both human fibroblast and HeLa cells. Mechanical measures were extracted as a quantitative
tool from the histone density fluctuations inside the cell to obtain structural fluctuations on the scale of several micrometers.
Results show that different mechanisms of expression of the same nuclear protein type lead to significantly different patterns
on the nanoscale and to pronounced differences in the detected compressibility of chromatin. The observed fluctuations,
including the experimental evidence for dynamic looping, are consistent with a recently proposed chromatin model.

URL Bohn
KIP - Bibliothek
Im Neuenheimer Feld 227
Raum 3.402
69120 Heidelberg