KIP publications

year 2011
author(s) G. Anders, V. Andrei, J.T. Childers, Y. Davygora, T.A. Dietzsch, C. Geweniger, P. Hanke, M. Henke, E.-E. Kluge, V. Lendermann, K. Meier, F. Mueller, S. Poddar, V. Scharf, H.-C. Schultz-Coulon, R. Stamen, M. Wessels et al.
title Luminosity Determination in pp Collisions at √(s)=7 TeV Using the ATLAS Detector at the LHC
KIP-Nummer HD-KIP 11-109
KIP-Gruppe(n) F8
document type Paper
source EPJC 71 (2011), 1630
doi 10.1140/epjc/s10052-011-1630-5
Abstract (de)

Measurements of luminosity obtained using the ATLAS detector during early running of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV are presented. The luminosity is independently determined using several detectors and multiple algorithms, each having different acceptances, systematic uncertainties and sensitivity to background. The ratios of the luminosities obtained from these methods are monitored as a function of time and of mu, the average number of inelastic interactions per bunch crossing. Residual time- and mu-dependence between the methods is less than 2% for 0<mu<2.5. Absolute luminosity calibrations, performed using beam separation scans, have a common systematic uncertainty of +/-11, dominated by the measurement of the LHC beam currents. After calibration, the luminosities obtained from the different methods differ by at most +/-2%. The visible cross sections measured using the beam scans are compared to predictions obtained with the PYTHIA and PHOJET event generators and the ATLAS detector simulation.

Abstract (en)

Measurements of luminosity obtained using the ATLAS detector during early running of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV are presented. The luminosity is independently determined using several detectors and multiple algorithms, each having different acceptances, systematic uncertainties and sensitivity to background. The ratios of the luminosities obtained from these methods are monitored as a function of time and of mu, the average number of inelastic interactions per bunch crossing. Residual time- and mu-dependence between the methods is less than 2% for 0<mu<2.5. Absolute luminosity calibrations, performed using beam separation scans, have a common systematic uncertainty of +/-11, dominated by the measurement of the LHC beam currents. After calibration, the luminosities obtained from the different methods differ by at most +/-2%. The visible cross sections measured using the beam scans are compared to predictions obtained with the PYTHIA and PHOJET event generators and the ATLAS detector simulation.

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