KIP publications

year 1996
author(s) C. Enss, R. Winters, M. Reinermann, G. Weiss, S. Hunklinger, M. Lux-Steiner
title STM-Study of Triangular Defect Structures Induced on WSe2
KIP-Nummer HD-KIP 96-04
KIP-Gruppe(n) F3
document type Paper
source Z. f. Phys. 99 (1996) 561-566
  author   = {C. Enss, R. Winters, M. Reinermann, G. Weiss, S. Hunklinger, M. Lux-Steiner},
  title    = {STM-Study of Triangular Defect Structures Induced on WSe2},
  journal  = {Z. f. Phys.},
  volume   = {99},
  year     = {1996},
  pages    = {561-566}
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