
Jahr 2018
Autor(en) Florian Mörz, Rostyslav Semenyshyn, Tobias Steinle, Frank Neubrech, Ute Zschieschang, Hagen Klauk, Andy Steinmann, Harald Giessen
Titel Nearly diffraction limited FTIR mapping using an ultrastable broadband femtosecond laser tunable from 1.33 to 8 µm
KIP-Nummer HD-KIP 18-15
KIP-Gruppe(n) F28
Dokumentart Paper
Quelle Optics Express, 25 (2017) 26, pp. 32355-32363
Abstract (en)

Micro-Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy is a widespread technique that enables broadband measurements of infrared active molecular vibrations at high sensitivity. SiC globars are often applied as light sources in tabletop systems, typically covering a spectral range from about 1 to 20 µm (10 000 – 500 cm−1) in FTIR spectrometers. However, measuring sample areas below 40x40 µm2 requires very long integration times due to their inherently low brilliance. This hampers the detection of ultrasmall samples, such as minute amounts of molecules or single nanoparticles. In this publication we extend the current limits of FTIR spectroscopy in terms of measurable sample areas, detection limit and speed by utilizing a broadband, tabletop laser system with MHz repetition rate and femtosecond pulse duration that covers the spectral region between 1250 – 7520 cm−1 (1.33 – 8 µm). We demonstrate mapping of a 150x150 µm2 sample of 100 nm thick molecule layers at 1430 cm−1 (7 µm) with 10x10 µm2 spatial resolution and a scan speed of 3.5 µm/sec. Compared to a similar globar measurement an order of magnitude lower noise is achieved, due to an excellent long-term wavelength and power stability, as well as an orders of magnitude higher brilliance.

  author   = {Florian Mörz, Rostyslav Semenyshyn, Tobias Steinle, Frank Neubrech, Ute Zschieschang, Hagen Klauk, Andy Steinmann, Harald Giessen},
  title    = {Nearly diffraction limited FTIR mapping using an ultrastable broadband femtosecond laser tunable from 1.33 to 8 µm },
  journal  = {Optical Express},
  year     = {2017},
  volume   = {25},
  number   = {26},
  pages    = {32355-32363 },
  url      = {}
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