
Jahr 2019
Autor(en) Jérémie Richard and Lih King Lim and Vincent Denechaud and Valentin V. Volchkov and Baptiste Lecoutre and Musawwadah Mukhtar and Fred Jendrzejewski and Alain Aspect and Adrien Signoles and Sanchez-Palencia, Laurent and Vincent Josse
Titel Elastic Scattering Time of Matter Waves in Disordered Potentials
KIP-Nummer HD-KIP 19-52
KIP-Gruppe(n) F17,F21
Dokumentart Paper
Quelle Physical Review Letters 122 (2019) 100403, arXiv:1810.07574
doi 10.1103/PhysRevLett.122.100403
Abstract (en)

We report on the direct measurement of the elastic scattering time τs of ultracold atoms propagating in optical disordered potentials. By exploring this fundamental quantity over a large range of experimental parameters, we observe variations of τs over more than three orders of magnitude, in excellent agreement with numerical calculations. It allows us to study the crossover from the weak to the strong scattering regimes, which are explicitly identified by a comparison to the first order Born approximation. We especially discuss the relevance of the widely used criterion kls∼1 to locate this crossover. While it is validated for a Gaussian disorder, it breaks down for the laser speckle disorders used in the experiments, where large deviations to Born predictions are observed. This result highlights the strong influence of the disorder statistics on the crossover and, more generally, on the behavior of the time τs in the strong scattering regime.

  author   = {Richard, J{\'{e}}r{\'{e}}mie and Lim, Lih King and Denechaud, Vincent and Volchkov, Valentin V. and Lecoutre, Baptiste and Mukhtar, Musawwadah and Jendrzejewski, Fred and Aspect, Alain and Signoles, Adrien and Sanchez-Palencia, Laurent and Josse, Vincent},
  title    = {{Elastic Scattering Time of Matter Waves in Disordered Potentials}},
  journal  = {Physical Review Letters, arXiv:1810.07574},
  year     = {2019},
  volume   = {122},
  pages    = {100403},
  doi      = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.122.100403}
URL Richard2019
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