KIP publications

year 2019
author(s) Karl-Philipp Strunk, Ali Abdulkarim, Sebastian Beck, Tomasz Marszalek, Jakob Bernhardt, Silke Koser, Wojciech Pisula, Daniel Jänsch, Jan Freudenberg, Annemarie Pucci, Uwe H. F. Bunz, Christian Melzer, Klaus Müllen
title Pristine Poly(para-phenylene): Relating Semiconducting Behavior to Kinetics of Precursor Conversion
KIP-Nummer HD-KIP 19-122
KIP-Gruppe(n) F6
document type Paper
Keywords (shown) poly(para-phenylene) thermal aromatization kinetics doping organic field-effect transistor
source ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 11 (2019), 21, 19481-19488
doi 10.1021/acsami.9b03291
Abstract (en)

We investigated unsubstituted poly(para-phenylene) (PPP), a long-desired prototype of a conjugated polymer semiconductor. PPP was accessed via thermal aromatization of a precursor polymer bearing kinked, solubility-inducing dimethoxycyclohexadienylene moieties. IR spectroscopy and Vis ellipsometry studies revealed that the rate of conversion of the precursor to PPP increases with temperature and decreases with film density, indicating a process with high activation volume. The obtained PPP films were analyzed in thin-film transistors to gain insights into the interplay between the degree of conversion and the resulting p-type semiconducting properties. The semiconducting behavior of PPP was further unambiguously proven through IR and transistor measurements of molybdenum trioxide p-doped films.

  author   = {Karl-Philipp Strunk, Ali Abdulkarim, Sebastian Beck, Tomasz Marszalek, Jakob Bernhardt, Silke Koser, Wojciech Pisula, Daniel Jänsch, Jan Freudenberg, Annemarie Pucci, Uwe H. F. Bunz, Christian Melzer, Klaus Müllen},
  title    = {Pristine Poly(para-phenylene): Relating Semiconducting Behavior to Kinetics of Precursor Conversion},
  journal  = {ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces},
  year     = {2019},
  volume   = {11},
  number   = {21},
  pages    = {19481-19488},
  month    = {May},
  doi      = {10.1021/acsami.9b03291},
  url      = {}
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