KIP publications

year 2022
author(s) Jakob Kaiser, Sebastian Billaudelle, Eric Müller, Christian Tetzlaff, Johannes Schemmel, Sebastian Schmitt
title Emulating Dendritic Computing Paradigms on Analog Neuromorphic Hardware
KIP-Nummer HD-KIP 22-32
KIP-Gruppe(n) F9
document type Paper
Keywords (shown) multi-compartmental models; accelerated technology; physical model; mixed-signal neuromorphic; AdEx neuron model
source Neuroscience 489 (2022) 290-300
doi 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2021.08.013
Abstract (en)

BrainScaleS-2 is an accelerated and highly configurable neuromorphic system with physical models of neurons and synapses. Beyond networks of spiking point neurons, it allows for the implementation of user-defined neuron morphologies. Both passive propagation of electric signals between compartments as well as dendritic spikes and plateau potentials can be emulated. In this paper, three multi-compartment neuron morphologies are chosen to demonstrate passive propagation of postsynaptic potentials, spatio-temporal coincidence detection of synaptic inputs in a dendritic branch, and the replication of the BAC burst firing mechanism found in layer 5 pyramidal neurons of the neocortex.

  author   = {Jakob Kaiser, Sebastian Billaudelle, Eric Müller, Christian Tetzlaff, Johannes Schemmel, Sebastian Schmitt},
  title    = {Emulating Dendritic Computing Paradigms on Analog Neuromorphic Hardware},
  journal  = {Neuroscience},
  year     = {2022},
  volume   = {489},
  pages    = {290--300},
  doi      = {10.1016/j.neuroscience.2021.08.013}
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