
Jahr 2025
Autor(en) Frank Brückerhoff-Plückelmann, Tim Buskasper, Julius Römer, Linus Krämer, Bilal Malik, Liam McRae, Linus Kürpick, Simon Palitza, Carsten Schuck, Wolfram Pernice
Titel General design flow for waveguide Bragg gratings
KIP-Nummer HD-KIP 25-05
KIP-Gruppe(n) F31
Dokumentart Paper
Quelle Nanophotonics (2025)
Abstract (en)

Bragg gratings are crucial components in passive photonic signal processing, with wide-ranging applications including biosensing, pulse compression, photonic computing, and addressing. However, the design of integrated waveguide Bragg gratings (WBGs) for arbitrary wavelengths presents significant challenges, especially when dealing with highly asymmetric layer stacks and large refractive index contrasts. Convenient approximations used for fiber Bragg gratings generally break down in these cases, resulting in nontrivial design challenges. In this work, we introduce a general simulation and design framework for WBGs, which combines coupled mode theory with three-dimensional finite-element method eigenfrequency computations. This approach allows for precise design and optimization of WBGs across a broad range of device layer stacks. The design flow is applicable to further layer stacks across nearly all wavelengths of interest, given that the coupling between the forward and backward propagating mode is dominant.

  author   = {Frank Brückerhoff-Plückelmann, Tim Buskasper, Julius Römer, Linus Krämer, Bilal Malik, Liam McRae, Linus Kürpick, Simon Palitza, Carsten Schuck, Wolfram Pernice},
  title    = {General design flow for waveguide Bragg gratings},
  journal  = {Nanophotonics},
  year     = {2025}
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