Workshop on Avant-Garde AI Research


Obviously, the development of artificially intelligent systems is not driven by one discipline alone, but rather by an interplay of several different sciences and disciplines. This is why we are delighted to present the Avenues of Intelligence 2024 workshop – a workshop showcasing some of the most intriguing academic branches currently working on artificial intelligence.

Turning the Aesopian fable of the fox and the stork, who served each other food in dishes they couldn't access, on its head, we’ve designed this workshop to ensure that all talks are accessible to a broad academic audience.

We will feature presentations on the latest developments and theories of intelligent systems from multiple perspectives: neuroscience, philosophy, computer science, psychology, engineering, and cognitive science. 


Please note: the workshop is fully booked.

Download the workshop program here.


Confirmed speakers:

  • Prof. Dr. Yulia Sandamirskaya | Cognitive Computing | Zurich University of Applied Sciences
  • Prof. Dr. Dr. Hannes Leitgeb  | Philosophy/Mathematics | Munich Center for Mathematical Philosphy| LMU Munich
  • Prof. Dr. Eva Schmidt | Philosophy | Technical University Dortmund
  • Prof. Dr. Michael Strevens | Philosophy | New York University
  • Dr. Federico Adolfi | Computational Cognitive Science/Theoretical Computer Science | University of Bristol & ESI, Max Planck Society
  • Dr. Mazviita Chirimuuta | Neuroscience/Philosophy | University of Edinburgh
  • Dr. Nico Scherf | Computer Science | Max Planck Institute für Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences
  • Dr. Marin Dujmović | Psychology | University of Bristol
  • Prof. Dr. Jörg Stückler | Computer Science | University of Augsburg


Highlights of the workshop include:

  • The neuromorphic hardware approach to AI systems
  • Exploration of reasoning in the context of artificial neural networks and methods for understanding these systems
  • Discussions on medium dependence for intelligence/consciousness
  • The concept of basal cognition
  • Artificial perception
  • and much more – feel free to browse our program!


Where and when?


Aug. 29 (9:30 – 15:30) & Aug. 30 (9:00 – 12:45), 2024 |  European Institute for Neuromorphic Computing | Im Neuenheimer Feld 225a, 69120 Heidelberg 



This workshop is an excellent opportunity to meet a diverse and brilliant group of researchers at the forefront of intelligent system research. Its interdisciplinary nature offers unique insights into the collective knowledge and techniques needed to understand and build artificially intelligent systems.


This workshop is sponsored by the Field of Focus 4 (FoF4) “Self-Regulation and Regulation: Individuals and Societies” and the Flagship Initiative Engineering Molecular Systems (FI EMS).