Luca Bischof has been short-listed (top 3) for the Master Prize of the Magnetism section of Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (DPG). Congratulations for presenting an excellent invited talk at the DPG Sping Meeting 2025 in Regensburg!
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Our group member Luca Bischof has been awarded with the Maria-Goeppert-Mayer Prize of the Department of Physics and Astronomie for last year's excellent M.Sc. project in Experimental Physics.
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Birte Beier has been awarded a scholarship by Studienförderwerk Klaus Murmann of the Stiftung der Deutschen Wirtschaft for her doctoral project in which she will investigate novel quantum materials by means of high-frequency ESR spectrocopy. Congratulations!
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Two-dimensional materials exhibit a myriad of unconventional quantum ground states, thus providing direct experimental insight into nature's tendency to establish ordered phases in the presence of strong quantum fluctuations. Co-hosting hexagonal lattices like the one in Na2Co2TeO6 are paradignamtic realisations of 2D quantum systems since they can be mapped onto the famous Kitaev model.
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Erik Walendy was awarded with the Poster Prize at the International Winter School on Quantum Materials, February 2024, at the University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates for his studies on 2D van-der-Waals magnets.
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The 2023 Wilma Moser Prize for the youngest excellent person completing their PhD in the Combined Faculty of Mathematics, Engineering and Natural Sciences at Heidelberg University was awarded to Dr. Lena Spillecke, for her dissertation on Resonance Investigations on Metal-Organic Molecular Compounds.
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Transforming a semiconducting material into its purely flat version opens enormous prospects for technological application but is also a route to study fundamental physical phenomena.
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The physicist Jan Arneth from the Kirchhoff Institute for Physics has been awarded with the INNOMAG e.V. Master Prize 2022 of the German Physical Society. With the Award, the Working Group Magnetism of the DPG recognises outstanding research on the honeycomb quantum magnets CrI3 and Na2Co2TeO6 and its excellent communication in oral and written form.
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