Kondo effect in quantum dots
Aims: Reminding the phenomenon of Kondo effect in magnetically doped metals. Transferring that knowledge on quantum dots, i.e., artificial atoms which "Kondo-nature" can be tuned.
Guiding questions:
What is a quantum dot (QD)?
Why quantum dots may be considered as Kondo systems (discuss even and odd numbers of electrons on the QD)?
Describe the experimental realisation.
How to switch on and off the Kondo system?
Please explain the band structure (DOS) in Fig 2 of Kouwenhoven's paper and Fig. 3 of Child's paper.
Explain the conductivity data. What is the characterstic signature of Kondo physics? Why is it opposite to the macroscopic ('normal') Kondo effect?
How does this phenomenon in QDs and it's explanation compare to the Kondo effect appearing in magnetically doped metals?
Explain the STM experiment to show the Kondo resoance (Fig 3 in Kouwenhoven's paper). Why STM can measure the local DOS?
Helpful textbooks:
I suppose that the papers are sufficient. If needed, you will find explanation on Kondo physics in nearly any condensed matter textbook.