Kondo effect in quantum dots

Aims: Reminding the phenomenon of Kondo effect in magnetically doped metals. Transferring that knowledge on quantum dots, i.e., artificial atoms which "Kondo-nature" can be tuned.




Guiding questions:

  • What is a quantum dot (QD)?
  • Why quantum dots may be considered as Kondo systems (discuss even and odd numbers of electrons on the QD)?
  • Describe the experimental realisation.
  • How to switch on and off the Kondo system?
  • Please explain the band structure (DOS) in Fig 2 of Kouwenhoven's paper and Fig. 3 of Child's paper.
  • Explain the conductivity data. What is the characterstic signature of Kondo physics? Why is it opposite to the macroscopic ('normal') Kondo effect?
  • How does this phenomenon in QDs and it's explanation compare to the Kondo effect appearing in magnetically doped metals?
  • Explain the STM experiment to show the Kondo resoance (Fig 3 in Kouwenhoven's paper). Why STM can measure the local DOS?


Helpful textbooks:

I suppose that the papers are sufficient. If needed, you will find explanation on Kondo physics in nearly any condensed matter textbook.