Correlated Quantum Materials


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  • To learn about correlated materials which properties are governed by quantum phenomena
  • To understand the basic concepts of electron correlation in solids and its implications.
  • To get tools to theoretically describe the fundamental properties
  • To learn about advanced experimental methods and their interpretation to study these materials.
  • To apply this knowledge to understand and to assess modern research trends in condensed matter physics.


Lecturer: Prof. Rüdiger Klingeler

Location:  SR 1.403/1.404 at KIP INF 227; Tutorials SR 2.402

Time: Lecture Thursday 14:00 - 15:30 h (start 21.4.2022), Tutorial Tuesday 14:00 - 15:30 h (weekly, start 26.4.2022)

SWS: 4; Credit Points: 4

Exam: (to be decided in the beginning of the course; presumably:) Oral, non-graded (passed/not passed)