ASIC laboratory Heidelberg


Style guide for ASIC-designers


ASIC projects quickly become so large that they can not be handled by a single person. Even if they were they are usually embedded in larger projects and thus other people need to understand what was done on the ASIC either by looking directly into the design database or some documentation. Further on there is a tendency to simulate complete systems of many components (a must if they are on a single die!) and the need to have a design which looks stringent to the CADÝprograms arises.

This introduces the need for agreements e. g. on signal and design module names, a uniform way of documentation, even for a defined style how to draw schematics. All this mostly is no definite need but it helps maintaining a large project tremendously.


Purpose and author

Any document/file/schematics drawing must contain the following information:
  • How to contact the author. Write down your name and address, maybe even your mail address so that people can contact you when they have questions
  • When was the file created, which changes were made when and by whom
  • What does the document show in principle

Name conventions

Since any non-trivial design will consist of several so called modules (either Verilog modules or schematic designs) choose design names that indicate what the purpose of the design is.
To simplify indentification of global signals, active low signals and so on a number of conventions can be used:
  • Use english names
  • Only use alphabetical characters or numeric digits. Don´t use any special characters like _, $, "german Umlaute" or something else. They could have a special meaning in one of the many tools Cadence consists of.
  • Design/module names start with an uppercase letter (e. g. Ctr4udar for a counter module)
  • Pins of such a module start with an uppercase letter (e. g. Ctr4udar(Clk, ...))
  • Names which are only internal to a design are all start with a lowercase letter
  • Active low binary signals are indicated by the all-lowercase prefix not
  • Bus indices always count from n-1 downto 0 (for a bus of n bits width)

Design organisation

  • Organise your design hierachically
  • Keep the names of global signals (e. g. system wide clocks, system reset signals a. s. o.) throughout the hierachy (that simplifies finding them later in the layout)


  • Each Verilog module of name name must be stored in a separate file of name name.v
  • After the module declaration there must be a header containing information about the module and the author as described in topic "General".

  • The header must be placed after the module declaration to make sure that the Cadence Verilog import process does not purge it (it only keeps information within modules).
  • Any parameter statements must follow the header
  • Any define statements must follow the parameter statements
  • The input /output statements must follow with documentation
    module CtrNudar(Clk, notReset, UpNotDown, Out);
    // N bit positive edge triggered binary up/down counter with asynchronous reset.
    // Author            : Martin Feuerstack-Raible
    // Edition history   :
    // 98/04/20    mfr    Created
    parameter    N = 4;        // Width of the counter. Default is 4 bit

    input        Clk;          // Counter clock. States changes at the positive edge
    input        notReset;     // Asynchronous active low reset. Set <Out> to 0 (zero)
    input        UpNotDown;    // Counting direction: 1 = count up, 0 = count down
    output [N - 1 : 0] Out;    // Binary output


  • Any manually created schematic must be placed within a frame (i. e. US_8ths) which contains above mentioned general information about author and purpose of the design.


  • PCells must be flattened in the final design (otherwise the design might not be portable to the next Cadence version)


Complex design may arise the need for more documentation then can be placed within the design. In this case create a text file or a postscript file or html documentation where the name of the file containing the documentation is the same like the design name, e. g. OpAmp.html or OpAmp.eps for your design named OpAmp.

Project specific conventions

  • At the most early state of the project possible agree on a power supply concept, i. e. define the names for the different power supplies the design needs. For example use only the following signals from the analogLib:
    • vdd for digital supply
    • vdda for analog supply
    • gnd for substrate contact
    Other conventions may be necessary for other projects.

Process specific conventions

   AMS processes

To be defined

Last changes: 98/02/27 by Martin Feuerstack-Raible

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Last change: 11 Mar 2006