Teaching in previous semesters

This list contains only lectures held after the launch of this webspace.

Term Subject Language
Winter 2015 / 2016 Brain Inspired Computing english
Summer 2015 PEP2 - Transportprozesse, Elektrodynamik, Relativität german
Winter 2014 / 2015 PEP1 - Mechanik und Thermodynamik german
Summer 2014 PEP2 - Transportprozesse, Elektrodynamik, Relativität german
Winter 2013 / 2014 PEP1 - Mechanik und Thermodynamik german
Summer 2013 Brain Inspired Computing english
Winter 2012 / 2013 PEP3 - Optik und Quantenmechanik german


Unfortunately all entries to the electronic repositoriy of lectures and seminars are deleted after 2 years. So, we do have absolutely beautiful electronic documentation from the 18th century and before, but nothing from 2013.

Karlheinz Meier
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