Next: The control voltage sources
Up: Digital Control Circuitry
Previous: The pipeline and readout
The various bias currents of the analog stages described in section 1
are generated by 8 bit digital to analog converters
which are controlled by registers of the same name.
The conversion slope of the DACs is A/LSB with a register
value of 0 corresponding to zero output current.
To achieve correct operation of the bias generator circuit, a
current of
A must be flowing into the IrefIn pad
which can be generated either by an external source
or by using the internal reference current generator.
When using the latter, IrefOut has to be bonded directly to
IrefIn and a resistor of
must be connected from
Rref to Vssa (-2V). For good blocking of the reference current,
it is recommended to have 100nF parallel to the resistor.