Lecture content & slides & additional information
I. Introduction (slides)
II. Magnetism of free atoms/ions (slides)
Hamiltonian of atoms in an external magnetic field
Perturbation theory for treating effects of B-field
Larmor diamagnetism
Paramagnetism of free atoms, Curie law
Van Vleck paramagnetism
Spin-orbit coupling
Hund's rules
Hyperfine interaction
III. Cooperative phenomena (slides)
IV. Magnetism in metals (slides)
V. Micro- and Nanomagnetism (slides)
VI. Magnetoresistive Effects and Spinelectronic Devices (slides)
VII. Atoms in crystalline environment (slides)
VIII Electronic correlation, Hubbard model, Mott insulators (slides)
Advanced further reading: M. Imada, A. Fujimori, Y. Tokura: Metal-Insulator transitions, Rev. Mod. Phys. 70, 1039–1263 (1998)
General idea of the Mott transition
Bandwidth controlled Mott transition
The example of NiO
Hubbard model
One-band Hubbard model
Which electrons are we talking about?
Hubbard subbands
The example of RNiO3
Mott-Hubbard vs. charge transfer insulators
Bandwidth-controlled metal-insulator transition
Zaanen-Sawatzki-Allen Schema
Link: Zaanen-Sawatzki-Allen, PRL 1985
Link: Experimental Zaanen-Sawatki-Allen schema: Boquet1996
IX Exchange Interactions (slides)
X One-dimensional quantum magnets (slides)