Potassium BEC

  • 2D Bose-Einstein condensate of Potassium-39
  • Tunable interactions, local control, configurable potentials and initial states
  • Quantum simulation and non-equilibrium dynamics

The BECK experiment is a 2D Bose-Einstein condensate of potassium-39. Our experiment features tunable interactions between atoms, as well as dynamically configurable light fields, enabling potential shaping, local control and a variety of intital states. The control over experimental parameters enables us to study many-body quantum dynamics far from equilibrium, such as the dynamics of meta-stable states of driven systems. Additionally, we use the setup as an analogue quantum field simulator for physical systems that are difficult to investigate experimentally, such as the dynamics of the early universe.

Your project at our experiment could include:


  •  BECs and quantum dynamics
  • Optics
  • Electronics
  • Programming

No prior lab experience is necessary!

contact us via: application@matterwave.de
