Dracula DRC/Extract from commandline
Nur in englischer Sprache. Entschuldigung :-(With this two shell scripts you can start a DRC/Extract process.
Usage for the drc.sh and extract.sh script:
./drc.sh mylib mycell
./extract.sh mylib mycell
Below you see the command which is executed:
ivVerify drc mycell layout -lib mylib -set "no_grid no_erc" -full -join
ivVerify extract mycell layout -lib mylib -set "capall" -join
For more options have a look in the openbook and search for ivverify. The options of -set depends on the process do you use. Look in the DRC/Extract GUI for the switches name.
- -full -> Speciefies that a full analysis is to be perfomed for DRC.
- -join -> Merges nets with the same name.
- -macro -> Performs macro cell extraction.
- -hier -> Performs hierarchical analysis.