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AMS technology installation for CadenceAMS provides several technologies from 2um CMOS to 0.35um CMOS and BiCMOS. Their design kit is called HIT-KIT which is installed in the ASIC lab in various versions, currently ranging from 3.01 to 3.30. AMS provides a script that installs your choice of technology and version appropiately in your account.In the .bashrc file in your login directory, add the following line: # Define path to AMS libraries
This defines the location of the AMS installation. There may be newer versions available at the SIC lab than 3.20 as used above. Please contact the system administrator concerning this. Make your .bashrc files sourced, e. g. by opening a new shell. Change into the directory you created for the technology you wanted to use, e. g. ~/libs/ams/cye. Execute the script $AMS_DIR/artist/bin/ams_cds -help This will print the following help information: usage: ams_cds
To install Cadence for AMS for the complete design flow (HDL/schematic entry to tape out) type the following: $AMS_DIR/artist/bin/ams_cds -tech xxx -tool artist -mode fb where xxx is the AMS notation of the library, e. g. cyx for 0.8um CMOS or BiCMOS. To get a list of technologies available in the ASIC lab please contact the system administrator. An overview can be obtained from AMS's web site. The script will install all necessary files into your current working directory and into your login directory. After that it will start cadence. You may either go ahead directly or shut down cadence via the menu selection. Invocation of cadence for AMS technologySuccessive cadence sessions are invoked by enteringicfb & from within your working directory.
If you have any web site related questions and/or comments, please e-mail wwwasic
Last change: 4 Apr 2001