ASIC laboratory Heidelberg


The Cadence starter at the ASIC lab

Install Cadence

In your login directory the file .bashrc has to be modified. Add the following lines
at the end of it:

       export CDSDIR=/cad/products/cds/cds4.43
       if [ -f /usr/local/cad/scripts/cds4.43rc ] ; then
       . /usr/local/cad/scripts/cds4.43rc

In the ASIC lab we recommend a certain organization of your designs to help archiving things.

Create a directory called libs/ e. g. in your login directory or in a working directory on one of our fast machines.

Within this directory create a directory for the technology's vendor you want to design with. E. g if you want to work with Austria Mikrosysteme's technology, create a directory called ams/.

Within the latter directory create a directory for the technology you want to use. If you e. g. want to use AMS's 0.8um CMOS technology, create a directory ams0.8cmos/ or cye/ (AMS's notation for this technology).

Your directory structure should now look like this:

    -> libs/
        -> ams/
            -> cye/

You can add later directroies for other vendors or technologies if you want and you won't get messed up.

Install the technology of your choice

Follow the separate description to install the various technolgies we ahve avaialable at the lab and start cadence as described there.

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Last change: 4 Apr 2001