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Initialize the floorplanTo initialize the floorplan we must go to Floorplan -> Initialize Floorplan.... With this dialog you can play. This means you can vary the core area parameter, the io to core distance and the die size constraint. With calculate you can see the effects of various changes. The values in the picture are good. if the floorplan is initialized, we have to set four grid variables. This can be happen via the command line in the Silicon Ensemble GUI or by Edit -> Environment.SET VAR SNAPGRID.ROW.SPACE.X 50 ; SET VAR SNAPGRID.ROW.SPACE.Y 50 ; SET VAR PLAN.IOROW.SNAPGRID.X 10 ; SET VAR PLAN.IOROW.SNAPGRID.Y 10 ; |
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Last change: 8 Jun 2001