ASIC laboratory Heidelberg


Stream Out And Stream In

The fab needs to manufacture the chip from us a description of the position of any layer. These description is stored in a file. This file is in a gds2 format. We make a stream out to create it. That the process of stream out worked correctly, we make a stream in, to compare the stream out file with the stream in file. We are making two new directories:

 mkdir HdAsicTutorialStreamOut
 mkdir HdAsicTutorialStreamIn

In the CIW window we select File -> Export -> Stream... . With the library browser we go to our layout, as run directory we insert the new generated directory. The output file name is freely selectable, I prefer the same name as the schematic plus the date of the stream out (e.g. Inverter_20010412.gds2).

Stream Out

You get a message after a successful stream out.
Now we create a stream in library, name it HdAsicTutorialStreamIn, with the Library Manager (see Creating a new library). Copy the stream out file to the HdAsicTutorialStreamIn directory.

 cp HdAsicTutorialStreamOut/Inverter_20010412.gds2 HdAsicTutorialStreamIn

The stream in dialog can you find under File -> Import -> Stream... . Insert the right directories and filenames and run the stream in. The Top Cell Name can you leave blank.

Stream In

Is the stream in successfully, you must do the same checks as before (DRC -> Extract -> LVS). If all the checks ok you can send the Inverter_20010412.gds2 file to the fab.
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Last change: 19 Apr 2001